Of all the frailty and preciousness in the world, we cling to that which serves as a pillar of strength. A steadfast hand, a guarded heart. But when circumstance sheds light on that frailty, we are brought to see weakness, innocence, sincerity. We dance around this visibility until it can be ignored no longer, and then we are left only with what we remember, when we remember to miss it. I am touched, as are you, by that which has been taken from us in due time. Yet, no preparation feels sufficient and each heart breaks in its own way. Quietly, passively, selfishly. We lament only to comfort one another, rather self-serving in our organization. It is not our folly to forget our purpose, but rather our duty to congregate and foster the hearts, broken, vacant, and sinking. We leave ourselves once and once only, leaving in our wake, we hope, counsel, conviction, and most of all, love.
In loving memory
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