2018 marked my first year officially embracing the title “photographer” and actively seeking clients. I have been absolutely blown away by the love and support I have been shown by those who have booked me here in Kentucky. When you’re really excited and super passionate about something, it’s pretty scary to take a leap and ask others to show up and cheer you on in the face fear and potential failure. This year, I was honored to capture nearly 300 sessions for friends, family, and complete strangers who feel a little bit closer now. Thank you for letting me into your homes and lives to document some of life’s most important moments and everything in-between. This year, I focused mostly on portraits and branding sessions for clients and I am excited to expand my portfolio in the coming year.
To see my editing skills develop and to expand my gear and services I offer has been so exciting and eyeopening. I’ve felt comfortable with a camera in my hand for most of my life, but holding one with a sense of responsibility and delivering a product that is truly valuable to my clients has been so thrilling. I’ve chosen 20 images to represent my work in 2018 – a nearly impossible task to narrow down tens of thousands of images from this year and so many incredible sessions. These images represent some of the individual shots I’m most proud of, most impacted me, helped me learn, and through which I forged meaningful relationships. I love that these images don’t look the same and that you can see how each session is unique to the client and location. Thank YOU for making this year so special and I can’t wait to work with you in 2019.