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How to Take Action for Racial Justice in Kentucky

How to Take Action for Racial Justice in Kentucky
Art by Pretty Strange Design.

This database is updated regularly with additional content and resources to combat racism and promote active, ongoing ally-ship in Kentucky. Have a resource to add to this list? Click here to email your submission.


Consider setting up recurring contributions if you are able.


Email local representatives by clicking the links below. The links will open your default mail application.

Justice for Breonna Taylor





This list includes open petitions that you can sign to encourage action in the name of justice.


This list includes safety and planning information for public protests.


Kentucky’s Primary Election is June 23, 2020. Kentucky’s General Election is Tuesday, November 3, 2020. Polls are open from 6 AM-6 PM EST.


This list includes informative articles regarding current events and local databases including BIPOC history.

Cope + Heal

This list reflects Black-owned therapy centers in Kentucky and other mental health resources for BIPOC.


This list includes books and works by Black Kentuckians.


This list includes business directories and other Black-owned Kentucky businesses in a variety of industries.

Orgs to Know

Many of these organizations have volunteer and leadership opportunities available. Further, many depend on donations from the public to sustain programming and resources. Please consider recurring financial giving.


This list include Kentucky-based Black-owned podcasts.


This is a growing list of Black Kentucky bloggers + digital influencers.

Header art by Ciara LeRoy of Pretty Strange Design. Content compiled by Sarah Caton with contributions by McKenzie Perdew and Chelsea Brislin.